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Dunu SA6II - The legacy continues

When approached by enthusiasts who have bitten the IEM bug, I always suggest exploring the “mid-fi” market. Typically priced around $500, these IEMs are trul...

L&P P6 Pro - Magical Sound

Ever since I fell down the personal audio rabbit hole, I have always been fascinated by a curious phenomenon: the enduring appeal of high-end (read: very exp...

HiBy Zeta - Engaging Kilobuck

HiBy is well known for its music app and a lot of digital audio players (DAP) with similar names (Am I the only confused about the R6, New R6, R6 Gen II, R6 ...

7Hz Legato - Proper bass cannon

A good pair of bassy IEMs is surprisingly rare. When a manufacturer claims that their IEM is bassy, they usually make the IEM too muddy. Alternatively, they ...

Hidizs MS5 - Spacious. Clear. Rumble

Hidizs is well-known for its electronic products, such as the AP80 micro music player series and the S series of DAC/amp dongles. Less known is their IEM pro...